David Fiorucci | Thomas Nast

OCTOCRACY is the result of combining proven agile collaboration methods with LP3’s extensive leadership know-how.

The book ” OCTOCRACY – Shaping meaningful organizations ” summarizes the findings of David Fiorucci and Thomas Nast, the two co-authors, and gives all participants a new meaning in their daily work. It enables organizations to have more impact in a playful and joyful way.

But what does octocracy really mean? Octocracy combines the fascinating characteristics of an octopus with the effective aspects of holacracy. In octocratic organizations, individual departments act autonomously and make independent decisions, like the octopus’s eight arms. In critical moments, however, they turn to the organization’s leader – the head of the octopus – who guides them through turbulent times.

With OCTOCRACY, we take the next logical step in restoring meaning to everyday work. We show how it’s possible to act and work more satisfactorily and effectively through greater individual responsibility and peer-to-peer collaboration. Combined with focused leadership, octocratic organizations become more effective.

What’s more, we’re convinced that sustainability must be more than just a slogan. That’s why this new book is made “Cradle to Cradle” – the only process in the world that allows books to be manufactured 100% free of harmful substances.

For this, we need your support.

The plan is as follows: we want to produce a high-quality book, sustainably manufactured and available in three languages. The book has already been written, but to realize our project, we need your help. It still needs to be translated, carefully proofread and edited. The cover, composition and layout must be lovingly designed and enhanced with illustrations. Finally, the book still needs to be printed according to the “Cradle to Cradle” principle.

It would also be great to be able to produce an audio version of the book for those who are visually impaired or blind. In this way, we are actively participating in an inclusive world.

Implementing this plan requires commitment, hard work and money – not least of all.

We’ve done the math: with a total budget of 35,000 francs, we can produce the German version as we see fit, and pay all those who contribute to it.

With a further 30,000 francs for each additional language version, we can also produce the English and French versions.

But Oktokratie is more than just a book – it’s a movement. We believe in a world where meaning and impact are in harmony. That’s why our book is not only a source of inspiration, but also a practical guide to change.

Be part of this movement! Your support not only makes this book possible, but also enables you to play an active part in shaping the future of collaboration. Together, we can revolutionize the way we work together!


Support us and contribute to the collaboration revolution!